Music Videos Including Stereotypes

Music video 1- This is the music video by famous rapper Eminem, the song is called Venom and has many views and love on YouTube and has some stereotypes around the music video. One stereotype displayed in this music video would be that how black people are usually rappers however this challenges that stereotype as Eminem is a white man and he's rapping which displays that the stereotype for mostly black people rap is incorrect however it has a grain of truth. Another stereotype in this music video would be that the topic in rap music videos consist with gangsters and crime, this has a grain of truth but not entirely true as this music video challenges that stereotype. It challenges the stereotype as usual rap videos are about gangsters and crime related topics however in this music video, its about aliens and symbiotes based on the fictional character Venom who possesses people in the video taking over but gets passed on to others. Another stereotype about this music video would be that mostly all rap music videos are set in modern, it never displays rap videos such as in the western theme or others which displays that rap music videos are supposed to be in modern times in a sort of way to relate to the music artist.
