Magazine Covers

There are many stereotypes around women when they are represented on magazine covers. One stereotype that is displayed that reinforces the stereotype is the good looking woman displayed. This is heavily used on magazine covers as this is what the producers of the magazine want and they want it to attract attention towards consumers of the magazine. Another stereotype of this magazine cover would be that the women would be covered with makeup as this is what makes them look perfect for the cover. Its the looks that attract other women in buying this magazine want to have looks like these and be like the people displayed on the cover. A final stereotype around women on magazine covers is that they are seen as models and giving the impression that all women are like this when this is clearly false. This reinforces the stereotype as it they had placed a normal, average woman displayed on the cover it would not attract any attention as this is not what consumers want to see and placing a super model makes it look appealing towards the audience.

There are many stereotypes to do with men  when displayed on magazine covers. One stereotype to do with men and magazine covers is that they usually display a celebrity on the front cover. This magazine cover reinforces that stereotype as this magazine cover displays popular actor Ryan Reynolds who is very popular and famous due to his acting career. Another stereotype is that they display a man with good looks and dress well, this in some concept challenges the stereotype as Ryan Reynolds is wearing a blue shirt and blue jeans which is regular clothing and not dazzling or smart however due to him being a celebrity, this doesn't matter as much. A final stereotype shown on this magazine cover would be that the man displayed has a well built, ripped  body which attracts many attention towards women and consumers of the magazine. This is because women admire men with a muscular, well built body and other men want a body like that. For example, if a regular man either overweight or very skinny was displayed on the magazine cover it would attract no attention as this does not reach the satisfaction of the consumers and it would not do well for the producers of the magazine.
